Hi there everyone

I found these collections of LOVE Quotes very interesting to dive in their lovely meanings.....

A bunch of Quotes that focus on the postive, romantic and easy to comprehend...

Enjoy reading

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:



Love is friendship set on fire.

- Jeremy Taylor -

Age does not protect you from love
but love to some extent protects you from age.

- Jeanne Moreau -

There is only one happiness in life,
to love and be loved.

- George Sand -

Love is a never ending feeling.

- Adeil Prince -

To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.

- David Viscott -

When you love someone,
all your saved-up wishes start coming out.

- Elizabeth Bowen -

We all want to fall in love. Why?
Because that experience makes us feel completely alive.
Where every sense is heightened,
every emotion is magnified,
our everyday reality is shattered
and we are flying into the heavens.
It may only last a moment, an hour, an afternoon.
But that doesn't diminish its value.
Because we are left with memories
that we treasure for the rest of our lives.

- From the movie "The Mirror Has Two Faces" -
(starring Barbara Streisand)

Love is not blind - It sees more and not less,
but because it sees more it is willing to see less.

- Will Moss

Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds
and warming your soul.

- Unknown -

You will know the real meaning of love
when you fall in love.

- A.Terance Dinesh -

To the world you may be one person,
but to one person you may be the world.

- Unknown

Love is like an eternal flame,
once it is lit,
it will continue to burn for all time.

- Kamila -

Love is smiling on the inside and out.

- Jennifer Williams

For better or worse, love never dies.

- Edis Crncevic -


A Gift
Day by day
Night by night
Kiss by kiss
Touch by touch
Step by step
I fall in love
A love so incomprehensible
So vivid
So unique
So wild, that not even the reign of god could control
A passion so deep
A need so necessary
A want so strong
The universe would not handle
I love you today
I’ll love you tomorrow
I’ll love you forever

- Julio Patino -


At the end of this tour I wish u could write ur own quote about LOVE as we'll put it here and compare the whole participations from different views.

