
?What would I do if you leave
?What would my life be without you
How can I face the storm
?without you holding my hand
And guiding me through my time
Although life seems so long
Although the tide might keep us together for one more night
?Who knows what tomorrow will bring
?How can I say good-bye

I want to hold you
And know I can hold you tomorrow
I want to look in your eyes
Your aging eyes
And know that I can look in them
Till the day I die
I want to forever drink from the fountain of your love
And live underneath the wing of your grace

Papa, no matter how hard I try
No matter how long I’d struggle
I can never keep the thought off my mind
And I beg you to forgive me
But I can never say good-bye

I was faced with it once
Death stood at your door
And I could never get myself to say good-bye
I just sat alone
Crying through the night
And praying for your soul to be spared

Papa, I can never see you go
I would forever wait for you to knock on my door
I would forever wait till I can kiss you
Till I can hug you

Papa, as long as I live
I can never forgive myself for not being there
But I could never do it
I could never see you go
I only pray your soul can be secure
Until my soul leaves to the heavens above
And I can only hush my screams
And pray I can be at your side
Even through hard times

Papa, the screams inside are too loud
They beg you to stay
I can see bloodcurdling figures at night
In all my dreams
And I cannot kick them out
I want you to stay

Papa, just today
I want to kiss you
And know you’ll be there tomorrow
And that I can get another kiss

Papa, just for today
I want to hug you
Without having the fear of losing you
Knowing you will always be there for me
When I need you

Papa, you have always been there for me
Please be there for me
Please stand by my side
And hold on to my hand
My little hand
Embrace me with your love
And offer me your shoulder when I want to cry

Papa, it’ll break my heart if I had to say good-bye
I can never kiss your forehead
And feel it cold
I can never hold your hand
And not feel the pressure you would apply

Papa…. Please
Stay with me
Through good and bad times
Just be there for me
When I need you the most
