- الإهدائات >> BackShadow الي ابو فهد : وحشتنا يا عمدة ابوفهد الي : كل عام وانتم الي الله اقرب وعن النار ابعد شهركم مبارك تقبل الله منا ومنكم الصيام والقيام وصالح الأعمال والله لكم وحشه ومن القلب دعوة صادقة أن يحفظكم ويسعدكم اينما كنتم ابوفهد الي : ابشركم انه سيتم الإبقاء على الدرر مفتوحة ولن تغلق إن شاء الله اتمنى تواجد من يستطيع التواجد وطرح مواضيع ولو للقرأة دون مشاركات مثل خواطر او معلومات عامة او تحقيقات وتقارير إعلامية الجوري الي I miss you all : اتمنى من الله ان يكون جميع في افضل حال وفي إتم صحه وعافية ابوفهد الي الجوري : تم ارسال كلمة السر اليك ابوفهد الي نبض العلم : تم ارسال كلمة السر لك ابوفهد الي : تم ارسال كلمات سر جديدة لكما امل ان اراكم هنا ابوفهد الي الأحبة : *نجـ سهيل ـم*, ألنشمي, ملك العالم, أحمد السعيد, BackShadow, الأصيـــــــــل, الدعم الفني*, الوفيه, القلب الدافىء, الكونكورد, ايفا مون, حياتي ألم, جنان نور .... ربي يسعدكم بالدارين كما اسعدتمني بتواجدكم واملى بالله أن يحضر البقية ابوفهد الي : من يريد التواصل معى شخصيا يرسل رسالة على ايميل الدرر سوف تصلني ابوفهد الي : اهلا بكم من جديد في واحتكم الغالية اتمنى زيارة الجميع للواحة ومن يريد شياء منها يحمله لديه لانها ستغلق بعد عام كما هو في الإعلان اتمنى ان الجميع بخير
إضافه إهداء  

آخـــر الــمــواضــيــع

النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2

الموضوع: إذاعة .

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2004
    رقم العضوية : 2299
    الاقامة : الرياض
    المشاركات : 1,009
    هواياتى : القراءة والتصوير والسباحة
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 33

    إذاعة .

    Hello and welcome to our English broadcast

    In The Name of Allah

    We start our broadcast by some verses of the Holy Qur'an by ( )

    Now we will listen to the Hadeeth with ( )

    After that you listen to the broadcast topic about With ( )

    Now we are going to listen to these proverbs with ( )

    'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, reported:
    Allah's Messenger said: Do not attribute lies to me, for anyone who attributes lies to me will be doomed to Hell-Fire.

    Our airline started in 1946. There were only four airports in Jeddah , Riyadh , Hofuf and Dhahran .The trip took four and half hours. Until 1954, only Jeddah , Riyadh , Hofuf , Dhahran , Taif and Madinah received regular flights . Then, air travel began to expand . More modern airports were built . The Saudi Arabian airlines acquired larger and faster airplanes . Air travel increased because air fare reduced by 25%. Now , Saudia has twenty domestic destinations and it has more then 100 planes . Flying is enjoyable and comfortable . Sometimes , air travel is dangerous . It is also expensive .

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

    A friend in need is a friend indeed

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away

    Birds of a feather flock together

    Don't put all your eggs in one basket

    Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

    The Earth

    The Earth is our home in the universe. It is the third planet from the Sun and has an atmosphere made mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. Seventy percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water. The rest is land: mountains, volcanoes, plains, deserts, forests, and valleys.

    Me and My Family

    Me and my sister are quite a pair,
    We like to sleep with our teddy bears,
    My brother wants to sit on my daddy's knee,
    Me and my family.
    Me and my family.

    Me and my dad drive all over town,
    We talk about things while we ride around,
    We go to the park or the library,
    Me and my family.
    Me and my family.

    I like my friends; we play

    I listen to the things my teachers say,
    But the people I love especially are
    Me and my family.
    Me and my family.
    My grandparents take good care of me,
    And talk about the way things used to be,
    They take a lot of pictures so I can see,
    Me and my family.
    Me and my family.
    Like a big tree my family grew,
    Aunts and uncles and cousins too,
    Put them all together and what do you see?
    Me and my family.
    Me and my family.

    I like my friends; we play each day,
    I listen to the things my teachers say,
    But the people I love especially are
    Me and my family.
    Me and my family.
    We are a family.

    His life

    King Abdul Aziz was born on the 20th Thou Al-Hejjah. He lived his whole live in struggle, openings and victories in order to establish Islamic Arabian Country which has justice and safety under Islam.

    King Abdul Aziz is one of the greatest leaders in modern history . He united the different tribes into one nation . It took him along time and great effort to make Saudi Arabia today. How King ABDUL aziz captured Riyadh.
    It was 15 January 1902 and it was night .Abdul Aziz and his men climbed the Riyadh city wall .They went to Al-Masmak fort and waited until sunrise At sunrise, some men the small gate and came out .Abdul Aziz and a few men attacked them. Finally ,the others entered and Abdul Aziz captured the city.

    The Sun

    Some Interesting Facts about the Sun

    The Sun is a ball of hot gases. By weight, it is 70% hydrogen, 28% helium, 1.5% carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, and 0.5% all other elements. The Sun's temperature is 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit at the surface and 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit at the center.
    The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 93,000,000 miles. It takes light eight and a half minutes to travel from the Sun to the Earth.
    The diameter of the Sun is 870,000 miles, 109 times larger than the Earth's. Its volume is big enough to hold over 1 million Earths.

    Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, reported:
    Allah's Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) said: There are three qualities, whoever is characterized by them will relish the sweetness of faith: One to whom Allah and His Messenger are dearer than all else; one who loves a man only for Allah's sake; and one who abhors returning to infidelity after Allah has rescued him from it as he abhors being cast into Hell


    All wealth begins in mind
    A man is known by the company he keeps
    Death levels all men
    Justice delayed is justice denied
    Seeking happiness is a straight way to misery

    prov: one should not be curious
    A: curiosity killed the cat

    Q: prov: there are no things that have no positive sides
    A: every cloud has a silver lining

    Q: prov: beautiful girls cannot be intelligent
    A: beauty precludes brain (NB: not true!)

    Q: prov: Hungry people do not complain about the quality of food.
    A: Hunger is the best sauce.

    Q: prov: it is better to prevent than to cure
    A: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

    A child from Palestine

    I'll always be a contender
    Yes, I know my bones are very tender
    And by Allah you won't see me surrender
    Look at my eyes? You'll see no butterflies
    My home is filled with cries... due to all the lost lives
    But I swear by Allah I'll never compromise
    I'll still throw the stones even with my broken bones
    Why can't I hear from you, don't you have any phones?
    Ya I forgot, your not on the chase, try it out and put your self in my place

    Soon I'll return to my lord , the one that deserves every grace
    Oh you don't have to worry cause of me you'll find no trace
    It really is to late, why did you wait?
    You could have sent me at least one dinner plate
    I guess it is my fate
    And La Ilaha Illa Allah is my mate.

    Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported:
    The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I have been commanded to fight against people until they testify that there is no god but Allah, and he who professes it is guaranteed the protection of his property and life on my behalf except for a right warrant, and his affairs rest with Allah.

    'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'As, may Allah be pleased with them, said:
    A person asked Allah's Messenger (may peace and blessings be upon him) who among Muslims was better. Upon this (the Holy Prophet) remarked: One from whose hand and tongue Muslims are safe.

    Hi! Hind. How are you?
    I'm OK. Thanks.
    How was your holiday?
    It was wonderful.
    Where were you?
    Italy. Near Milan.
    How was the weather?
    The weather was great.
    How was the food?
    It was delicious.
    How was the Hotel?
    It was expensive.

    Hi, Layla. Nada here.
    Tom! How are you?
    I'm fine. How are you?
    I'm OK.
    Listen. What are you doing this evening?
    Nothing, why?
    Let's go to the cinema.

    The cinema. That's a great idea. When?
    Tonight at 9 o'clock, but let's meet at 8.
    OK. Where?
    At the ticket office.
    That's fine. See you then.
    OK, bye.

    Good evening. Can I help you?
    Yes, I'd like few pencils, please.
    How many would you like?
    Three please.
    Anything else?
    Yes. Do you sell envelopes?
    Yes. Do you like these large ones or these small ones?
    The large ones, please.
    Is that all, Sir?

    Yes. How much are they?
    That's thirteen SR., please.
    Here you are.
    Thanks. Here is your change.
    Thank you. Bye.

    Abo - yaser
    Ebrahim saleh Ali

    Excuse me. Can I have the menu, please.
    Yes, sir.
    Thank you.


    Yes, Sir. May I take your order?
    Yes, I would like roast lamb with rice, please.
    And you Sir?
    Fried chicken with vegetables, Please.
    Anything to drink?
    Yes, I'd like a bottle of cola, please.
    And you, Sir?
    I'd like a glass of apple juice, please.

    [align=center] [/align]

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية Oscar
    تاريخ التسجيل : Aug 2005
    رقم العضوية : 4335

    peace be upon u

    .. very very long t!me passed without listening to radio
    god ,these boxes hold alot of memories
    Dear Abo-yaseer
    u gifted me a nice idea
    ذهب الذين كانت قلوبهم واسعة سعة البحر تتحمل الأخضر
    واليابس وتمضي نحو حتفها وصدقها ولا تسأل.

    واسيني الأعرج

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