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ãÔÇåÏÉ ÇáäÓÎÉ ßÇãáÉ : *...!!No...*

25-08-2002, 12:24 PM
Just yesterday
I was with you
You shared my life
And I shared yours
Those old days
Those old nights
By the moonlight
The old pictures
In my mind
The memories of you and I
When you held my hand
And I felt you close to my heart
Then you drove away
You forgot to say good-bye
You crashed into a wall
And I’ll never see you again

The hospital corridors are all crowded
The doctors shouting
The nurses crying
The rooms are full
You’re no where to be seen
I see whiteness all around me
And smell death everywhere

I ran out of the place
And saw pictures of you
Saw your sweet smile
Your eyes
The way you looked at me
I wanted to scream

I went back home
Hiding my tears
I ran to my room
Hugged my pillow
And wanted to yell

I spilled my tears
And felt a shout surfacing deep inside
I swallowed it and cried

I whispered your name
But nothing came out
I saw you coming
You were covered in white
You stood beside me
And wiped my tears
I saw flashes of the old things
We used to do
Saw the old chairs
The old T.V…
The old songs we used to sing
The old books we once read
The old places we went to

I stumbled to my desk
I got out your letters
Your pictures
All your presents
I read them
I smelled them
I kissed them
I recalled your face
And reached out to touch it
But I could only touch the emptiness inside

I tried to hold you tight
To touch you
For the last time
But all I could hold were the ashes
Of you
That are left in my mind

I heard your voice
Calling my name
And I wished it were for real

I went to the hospital
Another time
I couldn’t see my way
I bumped into people
My hair was untidy
And my eyes were red
Full of tears
It seems like I just got out of cave…
Or a grave…

A nurse caught me
“Hey, girl, are you OK?”
I looked at her
But saw your face
I hugged her
And asked her to come back to me
She took me by the hand
“Tell me what is wrong”
I told her he died
In this hospital
And I want him back

She looked in the records
She looked in the rooms
But there was no sign of you
Or your name
She asked the doctors
The nurses
No one knew what to say

“Are you sure he died?”
“Yes, he left me last night
without saying good-bye
and he crashed into a wall
and died”

She looked at me
And cried
“It’s OK, honey
he might come back”

I screamed
I shouted
I told her you were dead

“He’s dead in your life
face it, he’s living there
far away”

He can’t…
He promised he’d stay forever
He promised he’d never leave
I still have his jacket
The one he placed on my shoulders
On that cold night
I still have his letters
His pictures
His things
I want him back
So bad…

I left
Pulling my dreams behind
Left them all shaking their heads
And telling me
“It’ll be alright”
How would they know?

You are gone
And though it hurts so badly
I convince myself you are dead
Because you are better off lifeless
Than living
With somebody else…

25-08-2002, 01:04 PM

Unbelievable, what a magic I’ve seen in this poem, when I started reading it, I went mesmerized unconscious I couldn’t cope with the life that was surrounding me

when I completed reading the last word of it I woke up to find myself crazily like to read it again and again just like I was addicted to reading it

I can’t say anything about it, it’s far away of telling an opinion about it

it’s high beyond the moon even far higher than the stars all we can do is to enjoy looking at its charming colorful lights from earth and keep wondering how such a beauty was created by the words that we use in our communications

Thank you for such a great poem

25-08-2002, 02:03 PM
Hello Khuder

The words that come out from the heart enter the heart

This poem, I wrote after hearing a very sad story of a girl who was dumped by the only guy she ever loved in her life

and for nothing

he left without saying a word

and without explaining

I walked in her shoe.. and felt those words coming

Thank you

25-08-2002, 02:18 PM
Hi angy

I really enjoy reading your writing

Coz i feel it coming form yr heart

Best regards

25-08-2002, 02:24 PM
Hello BackShadow

Thank you for your words

Glad you liked it

Best regards

25-08-2002, 02:39 PM

Very touching story..written in a apecially unique style

Is this a poem

Or is just your way of writing a short story?... just asking



25-08-2002, 03:00 PM
Hello Sami

it is a poetic-story, if I may call it

This is not normally the way I write stories, it is more likely the way I write poems

But I guess it is just a new way of putting both in one place

Thank you

ãä ãËáí ãä ÇáäÇÓ
26-08-2002, 03:21 PM
thank you for your nice messages
if you are alone and
lonly go to the nearest shore
and you will see me floating in your memory


26-08-2002, 04:19 PM
..Hello there

Thank you for your sweet words

(???What messages)

27-08-2002, 03:17 AM

lovely and great wards I really enjoye it so much

u have a great feeling touching everything almost everything in ur worlds

u make me feel like seeing everything live


all the best

27-08-2002, 10:21 AM


?How are you

Glad you liked it

Tell you something? After I wrote it.. I started reading it.. and I had the same feeling you had.. as if I were watching a movie and not reading a poem

Thank you

27-08-2002, 01:51 PM
Hi there

great poem...filled with amazing images , but may I ask u Angelena...........why do u prefer writing long ones while u can hit the target with just few lines....?

ofcourse that doesn't mean that the poem isn't wonderful but u have to put in ur mind that the reaerds may not be able to put up with such long poems

In my point of veiw, the less lines of any poem should be, the better impact will arouse among its readrs and the more powerful it will gonna be in the end

thanks alot 4 indulging us by ur imaginary ink

27-08-2002, 01:58 PM
Hi Romeo

You know what

I have always thought of that

Why my poems are normally long

but I find myself writing the poems and not realizing the length of them until I am done writing

I will try to post a short one soon

Thank you

P.S: You don't have to bother reading if they were long