Hi all dear friends and visitors

On behalf of my partner melody,we r fully honoured to declare the establishment of new twist and firm foundation in our lovely forum, which would concentrate on sharing thoughts , ideas concerning isuues around the glob whether they r social, religious, romantic etc..

Dearest friends... let me present to u

The ~ Discussion Cub~

a brand new step in our forum with which we would be so pleased if u join us with ur opinion about any matters that u want to speak about

The club will garntee a very wide range of thoughts freedom as long as they won't step over the red lines of the forum nor being centered in narrow or severe segregation to the voice of the minority

At the end , the topic u'd like to discuss in the 1st show up would better that u choose it, so if anybody wanna talk on a sepecific point , I'll be pleased if he does

with all my love
