انا مشتركه جديده وعندي طلب يارب مايكون تقيل بس عن جد مهم
ادا ممكن في احد يترجملي هالمقاله ترجمه صحيحه
As bull market events unfold, retail investors begin to take interest in stocks. Retail investors, the unsophisticated little guy, make up the vast majority of investors. This group does not invest for a living. Retail investors often make invest meant decisions based on what they read in financial magazines, from their brokers and from tips from friends. As the flood of retail capital is invested, the market soars, causing great euphoria. At this point in the cycle, many companies become public, or launch an IPO. Companies go public when investor sentiment is most optimistic so as to gain the highest possible stock price. IPO's generate even more optimism as unsophisticated investors buy into the fallacious thoughts of instant riches. Now is the time when many small investors become wealthy. In this phase, stocks are doubling and tripling as the media cheers on the advancing bull market. At this point, the smart money sells, or distributes, the new over valued stocks to overconfident retail investors. The smart money Knows that over valued stocks are no longer worthy investments, and will soon drop in value. Widespread greed always occurs, in some form, at stock market tops. Sometime this greed takes form as accounting fraud where companies over inflate their values. Other times companies make unrealistic promises, such as dot com stocks without any earning. These immoral activities can take place because irrational retail investors will buy a stock simply because it is glamorous. To compound the problems, investors will now start to use margin, or leverage, to further accelerate gains. All caution is thrown to the wind as investors think "the old rules don't apply".