
Dear friends,

Today is the 12th of May, a day that we all recognize as Mom's day,the womb we came out from and the smile we first saw in this world.

We as Muslims don't celebrate this occassion on this particular date for the sake of one day of remembrance but we on the contrary emphasize on the 24hours,12months,passion that
arouses whenever the glorious sun(Mom) of everyone's shine

words ain't enough to express our joyfulness for such a living mircle , the stream of non stop-giving,the sacred love we adore most

on behalf of my partner Charm, we wish that every Mom in the whole world won't be away from her loveones .

Dear friends, here 's an empty space to write what ever comes into ur mind or to show ur deep gratitude for ur beloved mom

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:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
