- الإهدائات >> ابوفهد الي : كل عام وانتم الي الله اقرب وعن النار ابعد شهركم مبارك تقبل الله منا ومنكم الصيام والقيام وصالح الأعمال والله لكم وحشه ومن القلب دعوة صادقة أن يحفظكم ويسعدكم اينما كنتم ابوفهد الي : ابشركم انه سيتم الإبقاء على الدرر مفتوحة ولن تغلق إن شاء الله اتمنى تواجد من يستطيع التواجد وطرح مواضيع ولو للقرأة دون مشاركات مثل خواطر او معلومات عامة او تحقيقات وتقارير إعلامية الجوري الي I miss you all : اتمنى من الله ان يكون جميع في افضل حال وفي إتم صحه وعافية ابوفهد الي الجوري : تم ارسال كلمة السر اليك ابوفهد الي نبض العلم : تم ارسال كلمة السر لك ابوفهد الي : تم ارسال كلمات سر جديدة لكما امل ان اراكم هنا ابوفهد الي الأحبة : *نجـ سهيل ـم*, ألنشمي, ملك العالم, أحمد السعيد, BackShadow, الأصيـــــــــل, الدعم الفني*, الوفيه, القلب الدافىء, الكونكورد, ايفا مون, حياتي ألم, جنان نور .... ربي يسعدكم بالدارين كما اسعدتمني بتواجدكم واملى بالله أن يحضر البقية ابوفهد الي : من يريد التواصل معى شخصيا يرسل رسالة على ايميل الدرر سوف تصلني ابوفهد الي : اهلا بكم من جديد في واحتكم الغالية اتمنى زيارة الجميع للواحة ومن يريد شياء منها يحمله لديه لانها ستغلق بعد عام كما هو في الإعلان اتمنى ان الجميع بخير ملك العالم الي : السلام عليكم اسعد الله جميع اوقاتكم بكل خير ..
إضافه إهداء  

آخـــر الــمــواضــيــع

صفحة 1 من 2 12 الأخيرةالأخيرة
النتائج 1 إلى 15 من 24


العرض المتطور

  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية azhar_md
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3020
    الاقامة : النمسا/فينا
    المشاركات : 112
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 20


    now i know a lot of people see these movies where faMous places such as New York and Washington DC being destroyed first by meteors or asteriods or this huge tidal waves or abduction by aliens and not jus the states but the entire world is under this serious attack ..... movies such as independence day, deep impact,armegeddon, and the day after tomorrow.

    But what is the big similiar issue in these situations????? s

    what are we all experiencing together???? what are we sharing exactly ?????

    it's always in the end in these movies that the whole world ends up working together uniting and using every thing they have got from technology, people, knowledge, forces and strength for ONE purpose and it's to continue life on earth..... i find it hard to admit but these movies give us a huge point that UNION is stronger then we thinK
    it is...... all these movies ended in tragedy but with succeding in what they were aiming for and that's surviving if that's not strong enough then i don't know what is

    it's a dream that one day we would put aside our differences
    (be it in religion, cultures, nationality, race, etc)

    and share our advantages together be it knowledge or stength or power or jus existing

    i would really love to hear what other would say about this subject i'm ready for the negatives and the positives and thanks

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية MoStWaNtEd
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 2004
    رقم العضوية : 1952
    الاقامة : جده
    المشاركات : 912
    هواياتى : الاستماع الى الاغاني ومشاهدة الافلام، التصوير، القراءة
    My SMS : I look at the mirror I only see me, "as if the world only created for me"
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 130

    hmm.. what a gr8 topic

    i like it so much.

    u really have a good point there

    "UNION is stronger then we thinK"

    yeah u right in this but it's hard

    it's hard 2 make the world 1 union

    as 4 me i see it impossible

    bcoz the differences like u said (religion, cultures, nationality, race, etc)

    there's no way 2 leave it and bcoz the hating

    that's why we can't live in bliss

    thx Azhar and nice topic




    هناك جزء ضئيل جدا من العالم أستطيع أن أقول عنه منطقتي,

    وهذا الجزء الضئيل جدا هو جسدي, وهو الحيز الذي أشغله وأكونه,

    وليس في وسعي أن أكون في العالم إلا من خلال وجودي في صورة جسدية.

    ـ جـبريل مارسـل ـ

  3. #3
    الصورة الرمزية azhar_md
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3020
    الاقامة : النمسا/فينا
    المشاركات : 112
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 20

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة MoStWaNtEd
    hmm.. what a gr8 topic

    i like it so much.

    u really have a good point there

    "UNION is stronger then we thinK"

    yeah u right in this but it's hard

    it's hard 2 make the world 1 union

    as 4 me i see it impossible

    bcoz the differences like u said (religion, cultures, nationality, race, etc)

    there's no way 2 leave it and bcoz the hating

    that's why we can't live in bliss

    thx Azhar and nice topic

    thanks a lot for your opinion (MostWanted) ...... and that's a pretty good point u got there my friend but why not think of the possibilty..... i kno it's hard.... come to think of it REALLY hard ...... but what if something like a big devestating thing is about to happen to earth and it might destroy life on earth wouldn't we be doing something TOGETHER like what u always see in the movies..... i know what we see on TV can 't always be a reality but wouldn't it be a possibilty that we would forget our differences and unite as one to help each other with our problems ...... this i say when a dangerous thing is about to happen on earth but what if we are in our own normal times when nothing is really happening but world hunder... people starving.... wars in Iraq, palestine, bosnia and

    much much more.....thanks again for your opinion and i'd be happy to here more from you

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2002
    رقم العضوية : 161

    Hi Azhar

    I'll be sure to be back

    for this

    It needs time

    so wait for me


    You are wrong to think that (I) don't take it personally
    After all, it's about (ME) and how (I) look at it

  5. #5
    الصورة الرمزية azhar_md
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3020
    الاقامة : النمسا/فينا
    المشاركات : 112
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 20

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Petals
    Hi Azhar

    I'll be sure to be back

    for this

    It needs time

    so wait for me


    no problem ... and i'll be waiting

    my thanks to you (Petals)s

  6. #6
    الصورة الرمزية *العنـود*
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3989
    الاقامة : فينا (النمسا)
    المشاركات : 38
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0

    Hii AzHar
    thank youu soo much for this topic
    and i see you"re soo good in englich sabject
    and thank you for all

    see you
    your sister


  7. #7
    الصورة الرمزية azhar_md
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3020
    الاقامة : النمسا/فينا
    المشاركات : 112
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 20

    thanks for the comment

    i'd be happy to hear more from you ':

  8. #8
    تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2002
    رقم العضوية : 161


    As for the movies, it only sell USA as the protector of the world.

    And if you notice heroic comes from there as the rest of the world is not mentioned a lot, except in flashes.

    Now who would blame them (?)

    Of course no one, their movies, their money, their fantasies, and better their world.

    In a song Mariah said

    In another land they still believe.
    Color brings supremacy.

    Aha,nice M, but where (?)

    Allah has obtain difference as one of the bases in life.

    We can not forget these different, but we learn to accept them as they are,and that in they end we all return to Allah the ultimate judger.

    The Fear Factory honey.

    In a forest, in a stormy day, animals can get covered in a cave all together.
    In Judgment day, human gathered naked and no one simply look at the other.

    After the 9/11 events all americans gathered to support President Bush,his popularity went high,because in the time of crises ppl gathered around their leaders and forgets any negativities about them.

    And so in movies, in case to make them world wide worth,they join the whole world in facing what they r facing, but give them selves the heroic part ( our saviors). <-- kinda funny if you think of it.

    The End Of The World, an idea captured movie makers for years,now with special effects they are simply breath taken, so no matter how we think, we still get goose bumps in the final scenes.

    It's a nice topic, but in the end, still if different are not exist, then this world would be unbearable.

    I'm so sorry to be late, there are many things that are going around me now.

    So, again sorry.

    Have a nice day.


  9. #9
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2004
    رقم العضوية : 2150
    الاقامة : the clouds
    المشاركات : 88
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 20

    hello azhar
    great topic...
    i just wanted to add that the key word here is "personal benefit"
    that is, if we try to relate these movies to reality and apply their solutions for our existing problems, it will be pretty hard to even imagine that those "great" people in our world today would walk out on what they have to help someone they really dont care about...
    the problem now is that those "great" poeple only think of themselves..as long as the problem doesnt involve them and their luxurious life why even bother ??!!
    so mayyyyybe if the issue is "huge" like the one in the movies, they would pitch in coz they are involved..or if it will do them good..
    so, if only alllll the poeple think like u and i and the
    great ppl here do, the world would be a better place

    sorry for taking so long...take care
    ***To The World You Might Be One Person***

    But To One Person You Might Be The World


  10. #10
    الصورة الرمزية azhar_md
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3020
    الاقامة : النمسا/فينا
    المشاركات : 112
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 20

    ummmm..... petals sorry to be rude or anything but i'm not talking about judgement day or 9/11 or any of these things that have nothing to do with what i'm talking about...... and big NEWS FLASH honey not everybody supported bush after the attack .......and yes DUH! the US in the end is the hero because it's got the technology it's got the geniuses it's got the development and basically everything ....... i'm talking about UNION ..... and if not amongst the entire world but atleast amongst us muslims....... why is it so hard for us to get together as one to help each other
    become strong , developed , and maybe even dominant ...... cuz if we were strong enough maybe unpeaceful events would have not be happening today

  11. #11
    الصورة الرمزية azhar_md
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3020
    الاقامة : النمسا/فينا
    المشاركات : 112
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 20

    Thanks (one and only) for your opinions and sharing your thoughts

    i agree that these movies are like a propaganda that gives out a point thatthey are the only ones that are going to help us at times like these..... but i'm not talking about them being heroes and when i mentioned the movies i only thought about the world uniting i did not mention the AMERICANS AND WHAT THEY ARE CAPABLE OF DOING!!!!!!!

    and i'm not trying to compare and contrast with what's goin on in the real world with what we see in science fictional movieess.. .... ok i kno it's very different

    but those movies bring out another point and that's what i and many others grabbed out of it and that point has nothing to do with the US!

    i'm sorry forgive my harshness i jus hope i made my self clear and that in the future i hope that i don't complicate ppl too much

  12. #12
    تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2002
    رقم العضوية : 161

    Ok, why feeling being offensive of what I've said (?)

    Not everybody but the majority did ( fact) , i have frds who didn't, I'm not mocking any one,of whom they are to me.

    And if I don't have the freedom to mock those movies, or any other movie, then DUH (!)

    Honey it's a fact,that even the americans believe in.

    You wanted to talk bout unity, giving block busters movies as the background of your idea, and those movies use the psychological fear factor, which is:

    In times of crises, nations gathered around their leaders no matter whom they are.
    As them being the symbolic of what they are about.

    Crises explains UNION in those movies.

    And my examples, are from life it's self, where in many cases we forget our different in times of crises.

    Tell me one movie that UNION ppl in any other matter (!)

    In another hand if you see maybe other European movies, or Asian, or what so ever, the Hero comes from their geographical space,and selling them as the great nation of all.

    You can't (only) get an Idea like this from catastrophic movies, or ells better to watch miss beauty contests ,where each one says "WORLD PEACE" in a very -smiling- sick way.(!)

    and if you want to buy it, then it's your problem, but even those movie makers would laugh their guts out. coz they simply know it's PS (!)
    Their only concern is The Box Office.

    If we're talking about peace, forgiveness,and tolerance, then you know that in times we were ideals of that.

    It's justice that gives leadership on earth, or ells Muslims would still lead the world.

    Now your replies is in the same matter, different opinions has made you harsh,and being offensive, when no one here has point out any thing ( personal ) to you.

    Why haven't you accept my opinion, my difference (?)

    And - now- how would you react toward something like this (?)

    It's the little things that we need to concentrate first, one to one.you to me, and the opposite as well.
    Then, it would spread to others.

    Take care.



  13. #13
    الصورة الرمزية azhar_md
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3020
    الاقامة : النمسا/فينا
    المشاركات : 112
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 20

    ok i realize what ur trying to do...... and that's trying to go throughly over my words and finding a mistake ..... i really don't kno what ur doing exactly but what i do kno is that u know perfectly how to misunderstand me

  14. #14
    الصورة الرمزية azhar_md
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3020
    الاقامة : النمسا/فينا
    المشاركات : 112
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 20

    Tell me one movie that UNION ppl in any other matter )don't understand what ur asking here )

  15. #15
    الصورة الرمزية azhar_md
    تاريخ التسجيل : Apr 2005
    رقم العضوية : 3020
    الاقامة : النمسا/فينا
    المشاركات : 112
    MMS :
    الحالة غير متصل
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 20

    forget it....... i said nothing to prove that i'm being harsh or offensive jus because of ur different opinion but u did offend my opinion and so i was harsh.... that's called disrespecting my opinion and i'm sorry... that's what ur doing right now trying to make my idea seem like it sucks..... instead of trying to encourage me that maybe it could happen if such and such happens

صفحة 1 من 2 12 الأخيرةالأخيرة

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